Member Education

Advance Your Career with Capstone

Capstone Health Alliance is proud to provide our Members the highest quality continuing education opportunities at no additional cost. The Capstone Member Education Library consists of The Capstone Learning Academy, Capstone Leadership Institute, and Capstone Training Track. From webinars to education modules, to carefully curated live courses, the Capstone Education Library equips our Members with the tools to elevate your career.

Capstone Leadership Institute

Empowering the Next Generation of Healthcare Leaders

The Capstone Leadership Institute program is designed to expand the knowledge of current and future leaders for advancing healthcare. The program encompasses 20+ courses developed by industry experts that offer coursework in Hospital Operations, Finance & Business Law, Professional Development, and Leadership.

Capstone Members must apply to be a part of the annual CLI class. CLI applications for the upcoming class launch at the end of the summer and we welcome applicants through early December. You can also apply in person at the Capstone Education booth at the annual Capstone Forum in October.

Members who participate in CLI will graduate with a Distinction of Advancement in Healthcare Leadership.

Training Track

The Capstone Training Track provides educational sessions led by Capstone Supplier Partners. The Capstone Supplier Community offers the latest topics on Supply Chain, Lab, Pharmacy, Value Analysis, and Surgical Services. Some Training Track courses are CEU eligible.

Capstone Learning Academy

The Capstone Learning Academy contains over 35 modules for individuals new to hospital supply chain or wanting a refresher course. On average, 1,200 modules are completed by Members annually. The Academy is also a resourceful tool for educating and onboarding new company employees.

For more information on Capstone Education Member offerings, contact your Region Director today!